As we all begin this adventure of learning and teaching online, I thought that I would start by doing something that librarians are known to do - share information! To that end, I have been curating a collection of links that teachers, from school and at home, can use with their children. Below are links to some sites, pages, tutorials, videos and more that I hope some of you will be able to use. I have them separated into a number of categories and you need only click on the link that interests you to go the page with resources for that subject. Hopefully you will find at least one or two of these useful. And if you have something great yourself, feel free to email me at
[email protected] and I'll add it to this page. Enjoy!
Videos - Click on a link below to see and/or hear me read a story that I would have done for you in class!
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade - For you, I decided to try something different...Not a video, but an audio-only version of a new story - let me know what you think!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 1...
listen here!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 2...
listen here!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 3...
listen here!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 4...
listen here!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 5...
listen here!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Wrecking Ball, Part 7...
listen here!
Fifith and Sixth Grade - audio-only version.
Ben Clanton - the author of the
Narwhal and Jelly series teaches kids to draw
Mickey Mouse - learn to draw 3 different versions of Mickey from a Disney artist
Draw Sven - how to draw Sven by a Disney animator
Dav Pilkey - creator of Dog Man books shows how to draw Li'l Petey
Tra La La - Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and more, with drawing lessons and reading
Coding - a great way to learn programming
Scratch Jr - a coding program similar to Scratch, but for a younger audience
Scratch - getting started with Scratch tutorial
Rivet - free daily reading practice
Shakespeare - See a live streamed performance of Shakespeare's work from The Show Must Go Online on YouTube
NCTE - resources for online learning
Chromebooks - resources for teachers on usiong Cjromebooks in the classroom
Autocrat - extension to allow you to merge Sheets information inot a Doc
Hangouts Meet - handy users guide in a Google Slides presentation
Make a Worksheet - ways to make a digital worksheet in Google Slides - with
Peardeck add on or with
Google Slides alone.
Check-In Form - use Google sheets to virtually check in with your class
My Maps - another great Google tool
Quiz Maker - create a self-grading quiz in Google Classroom
Interland - learn about using the Internet responsibly
Home School Resources
Relax - ways to help your kids unwind and/or relieve some pressure
Scholastic - great page of resources for kids, parents or teachers
DOGO News -
an award-winning online community for kids, parents, and teachers that features kid-appropriate news stories and resources on all the hottest topics
Dav Pilkey - activities from the author of Captain Underpants and Dog Man
National Emergency Library -
a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed SLJ - publisher read aloud policies
Storytime - Barnes & Noble storytime for kids, first in a series with Pig the Pug
Celebrity Story Time - Instagram page with celebrities including Captain America, Wonder Woman and Wierd Al reading kids books
Kwame Alexander - engage and inspire kids with poetry and literature from award winner and friends
STEM Challenges - follow the Facebook page for the after school STAR Academy for all of Mercer County
Ted Ed - periodic table of videos for every element
NASA - video and image library free to use
More STEM - this time from the fine folks at Microsoft
Social Studies
Virual Pen Pals - 5 different websites where kids can go to connect with kids around the world
Teaching Online - resources for teachers
Ed Tech - great resource for learning about almost any ed tech topic
Online Storytime - things to consider if you want to record yourself reading online
E-books - ever growing list of free ebooks
Make a Video - from YouTube, make a video with a tool called EDPuzzle
Tutorials - make video tutorials for kids with Screencastify and share them in Google Classroom
Mixkit - free stock videos and music for video creation
Backgrounds - free virtual backgrounds for use with Zoom
Zoom - Zoom 101 tips and tricks for teachers