Welcome to Art!


Welcome to Art!

Specials Bingo

In your packet to take home, you received a Specials Bingo page. 

When you choose the Art Bingo space, email me to tell me about your experience. 

I can't wait to hear about it! Send a picture if you can.  

Rocking Raiders Website with Mrs. Anderson

 Check out my page on the Rocking Raiders website.     
You will find art videos created by "yours truly!"....Mrs. Anderson! 
Send me an email to tell about your art experience. 
Rocking Raiders Website

Earth Day 4/22/20

In honor of Earth day, check out this website https://washedashore.org/ 
Watch some of the videos.  I suggest watching Smithsonian Museum of Natural History:  Washed Ashore sculpture "Turtle Ocean" an exhibit at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.  
For an assignment, email me that you watched it and answer these questions: 
  1. How many sculptures has Washed Ashore created?
  2. What are the sculptures made out of?
  3. How many pounds of debris along the Oregon coastline has been used to make all of these 66 sculptures?
  4. How many pounds of plastic is estimated to be in the worlds's oceans?
  5. Explain how garbage in the ocean can hurt animals. 
  6. Make a list of garbage items found in the ocean that are used to make sculptures.     


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