Student Door Access


Student Door Access

March 20, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students:

The Reynolds Junior-Senior High School acknowledges the unfortunate school events that have been occurring across our country.  As a result, a review of student and staff safety has been paramount over the past weeks.  In an effort to improve school safety and awareness, we will be implementing new entry procedures at the Junior-Senior High School.  As of March 26, 2018 Reynolds Junior-Senior High School will have all entrance doors locked until 7:20 AM on school days.  Students are not permitted on school property until 7:20 AM and will not be able to enter the Junior-Senior High School before 7:20 AM.  At 7:20 AM students may enter the building through doors A and F.  Any student(s) being dropped off should be dropped off at door F using Crestview Drive.  Please do not drop students off at door A, the front parking lot should be avoided to provide a safe unloading zone for school busses in the morning.

The District apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause to families who do not use school transportation. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with these new procedures, as we make efforts to create the safest learning environment for all of our students and staff.


Scott L. Shearer


Reynolds JSHS

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